Mill Brook Results, April 28, 2023

(S indicates seen. H indicates heard but not seen. SH indicates both seen and heard. FOY
indicates the first siting at this location this year.)


Since this was our first club walk of the 2023 spring season, FOY applies to all:

Song Sparrow SH
Mourning Dove H
House Wren H
House Sparrow SH
Northern Cardinal SH
Tufted Titmouse H
Eastern Phoebe H
American Robin SH
Black-capped Chickadee SH
Blue Jay SH
Downy Woodpecker H
Swamp Sparrow H
Pileated Woodpecker H
Red-winged Blackbird SH
Mallard pair SH
American Goldfinch SH
Black-and-white Warbler H
Common Grackle SH
Yellow-rumped Warbler H
White-throated Sparrow H
Turkey Vulture S