Birds seen and heard on Patten Hill and Hall Tavern, Sat. June 1, 2024
(six people attended the walk)
Wild Turkey S
Turkey Vulture S
Red-tailed Hawk S
Rock Pigeon S
Mourning Dove H
Ruby-throated Hummingbird S
Downy Woodpecker SH
Northern Flicker S
Pileated Woodpecker H
Eastern Wood-Pewee H
Least Flycatcher H
Eastern Phoebe H
Great Crested Flycatcher H
Eastern Kingbird S
Red-eyed Vireo H
Blue Jay SH
American Crow SH
Tree Swallow SH
Cliff Swallow SH
Barn Swallow SH
Black-capped Chickadee SH
Tufted Titmouse H
White-breasted Nuthatch H
Brown Creeper H
Carolina Wren H
House Wren H
Eastern Bluebird SH
Veery H
Hermit Thrush H
American Robin SH
Gray Catbird SH
Cedar Waxwing H
Ovenbird H
Black-and-hite Warbler H
Common Yellowthroat SH
American Redstart H
Yellow Warbler SH
Chestnut-sided Warbler H
Pine Warbler H
Savannah Sparrow H
Song Sparow SH
Scarlet Tanager SH
Northern Cardinal H
Rose-breasted Grosbeak H
Indigo Bunting H
Bobolink SH
Red-winged Blackbird SH
Common Grackle S
Brown-headed Cowbird SH
Baltimore Oriole SH
House Finch H
American Goldfinch SH
House Sparrow SH