November 14, 2023
Northfield Bird Club Meeting 11-14-23
Dickinson Library, Northfield (upstairs) – 5:30 p.m.
**Masks Required**
From President Emeritus Nick Fleck:
“The Tufted Titmouse learns around 63 vocalizations in its life span; and it is capable of removing a cork from a bottle with seed in it. (This is problem solving.)”
Designate person to take notes (Patter Field agrees to do this). Pass out notes from last meeting.
Finances and funding. Barbara Lemoine has the Cash Box. How much do we have? (Good to bring the box to all our programs in case of free will donations.)
Publicity (our Float in the 350th and calling cards, Website, new Town Newsletter?, other ways to publicize events)
--Alex Wahlstrom has been invited to talk about possibly collaborating with the Franklin Land Trust on bird outings. (He was an enthusiastic participant in our walks a few years back. He serves as Land Steward for the Franklin Land Trust. )
--Rinky Black has obtained a grant from New Salem Academy for $100, to bring Bob and Dana Fox to present a program on Woodpeckers. Date? Place?
--“Birds of our Meadows” – Mara Silver, March and May, 2024. Patter has applied to the Northfield Cultural Council for the money to cover our expenses for a talk by meadow birds research specialist Mara Silver in March, at the Library, followed by a Bird Walk to Bobolink and other meadow birds place(s) in Northfield in May. Dates?
--"Monadnock Falconry” – Matt Atwood will collaborate with us, and is setting up a program with Henry the Falconer, who will give an informative talk about raptors and their history with humans, and will bring a Harris’s hawk to fly in Pam Eldridge’s field next to/behind the library, in August. Date?
--Other possibilities:
--Beth Bazler at the Northfield Mountain Rec and Environmental Center would offer a program on Nest Box Monitoring
--Amy Meltzer does a good program on Native Plants; we might co-sponsor with the Northfield Garden Club; charge is #300
Barbara: Lynne Pledger, Program on Grassland Grazing Practices
Late Fall/Winter walks? Will David Brown be willing to continue to be our Walk expert?
Google Group – is this working for us?
Next meeting date – to firm up programs and make plans for spring.