Association of Massachusetts Bird Clubs

From the Association of Massachusetts Bird Clubs

News and Information


Every one of our club members, and every birder in our state, can make a direct contribution to bird conservation by reporting observations of state-listed species through the Heritage Hub reporting system, part of the state's Natural Heritage Program. I mentioned this a few weeks ago in reference to Cumberland Farms, but the issue has come up recently in a Massbird discussion of the Pine Hill section of Bolton Flats and is relevant in any habitat where state-listed birds breed. The data collected through these observations is used in regulatory protection and habitat management and can be part of an effort to oppose development in areas where state-listed species breed.

Here's the link to Heritage Hub

And here's a link to MA listed species

I ask club representatives to use their websites, newsletters, and social media pages to spread the word and encourage members to report their observations through Heritage Hub.

John Nelson, Chair, AMBC