Patter Field Has a Suggestion for Local Newspaper

Readers Write

The Greenfield Recorder

April 28, 2021

P. A6

Outdoors section

One of the highlights of my Monday mornings is reading the “Outdoors” section of the Recorder. I look forward to Bill Danielson’s varied and informative columns and wonderful photographs, and Andy Castillo’s introspective, philosophical notes.

The nature photographs by neighbors are also fun, especially when such rare visitors as sandhill cranes are captured. However, there are sometimes misidentifications of birds in the photos; in the past few weeks for instance a red-bellied woodpecker was wrongly identified as a northern flicker, and this morning, a white-throated sparrow was incorrectly said to be a savannah sparrow.

There are some great resources to help here in the valley, namely local bird clubs. A question about the identity of a bird in a photo posted to the Northfield Bird Club, for instance, might get you some quick help. Go to h t t p s : / /w w w.n o r t h f i e l d b i r d c l u b .o r g /

There are a lot of avid and knowledgeable birders here in our valley. And great news: warbler migration season is upon us, with a myriad of confusing, colorful and fascinating little birds passing though, to bring us all joy.

